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Water summit global development

december 22, 2021

Join us on 15 March 2022 for the “Water Summit for Global Development 2022” in the TU Delft Aula. We invite researchers, practitioners, policy makers, students, and volunteers to discuss how multidisciplinary science, technology, policy and innovation can improve access to water, and how we can achieve this together.

Theme – Catching Up With Urbanisation

Water is a basic human right and should be available to all. The less we have to worry about the availability, quality and cost of water the better human lives and human societies become. Yet in many areas around the world, urbanisation has outpaced the supply of public services such as water and electricity. Aging infrastructure and water resources are coming under increasing pressure. New technologies and sustainable water management practices are needed to ensure that current and future water demands for all can be met. During the Water Summit will we discuss how multidisciplinary science, technology, policy and innovation can improve access to water and how we can achieve this together.

Call for Abstracts

The 2022 Water Summit for Global Development in Delft targets a broad audience in research and practice, so three types of abstracts will be considered for review:

  1. Research Abstract: outputs of scientific research for platform or poster presentation;
  2. Best Practices Abstract: (interdisciplinary) case studies, overarching innovation, policy and practice in water for platform or poster presentation
  3. Water Summit Activity: proposal to organise a workshop, Dragon’s Den, student challenge, hybrid activity involving online participants or exhibition during the Water Summit. 

It is encouraged that abstracts explicitly refer to their relevance for achieving global water access, as well as potential linkages to this year’s theme “catching up with urbanisation”. Contributions will only be accepted if at least one of the authors registers to the Water Summit as a participant. To apply, please click here. To register for the event, please click here.

Other Opportunities

Join us for the conference dinner on 15 March to further discuss with and expand your network.

Company Case for StudentsLeading up to the Water Summit we will organise company cases where students can work together on a water-related cases brought in by leading (water) companies. Keep an eye on our website for more information.


Please visit our conference website for more information.
